Daniel Pereira de Matos
Daniel Pereira de Matos, known under the titles both of “Frei Daniel” and “Mestre Daniel” was the founder of the organization which branched off to be called Barquinha.
Daniel Pereira de Mattos was born in Maranhão on July 13, 1888, two months after the abolition of slavery, in the former Vila de São Sebastião de Vargem Grande, being a fellow countryman of Raimundo Irineu Serra, founder of the doctrine of Daime.
At the age of seven he joined the Navy as a cabin boy. He arrived in Rio Branco at the time of the Acrean Revolution as 2nd Sergeant of the Navy. After the revolution ended, he resigned and settled in the city, initially working as a barber in the bohemian neighborhood popularly known as Papôco.
In addition to being an excellent barber, he held other professions such as: shoemaker, cook, musician, tailor, carpenter, joiner, craftsman, poet, bricklayer and baker. But he was known even for his reputation as a bohemian. A man of medium height, long face, deep voice, black man with curly hair and very educated (Sena Araújo,1999:46), Daniel wrote musical compositions that spoke of passion, the search for the woman he loved, singing and playing on instruments that he himself manufactured. He did not omit his passion for bohemian life and enjoyed the festive nights at Papôco.
In 1928 he married Maria do Nascimento Viegas from Maranhão and had four children with her, but in 1936 the family left for Maranhão as they could no longer tolerate Daniel’s alcoholism and bohemian problems.
That same year, increasingly dependent on alcohol, he suffered an illness caused by the addiction. With serious liver problems, she received a visit that changed her life forever. A customer of the barber shop, friend and fellow countryman, Raimundo Irineu Serra, invited him to undergo a spiritual treatment using the sacred drink, Daime.
Treatment was started, however, shortly afterwards and after improving significantly, Daniel interrupted the healing process, returning to his bohemian life.
Once again ill, he was called by Irineu for further treatment in Alto Santo. After being treated and initiated into the Master’s work, Daniel began to follow the Doctrine founded by his friend. There he helped set the first hymns to music.
On one occasion, he took Daime and alone he had a vision in which the doors of heaven opened and two angels descended with a blue book in their hands containing their spiritual mission, that of founding a Christian doctrine based on charity. This revelation had already occurred on another occasion when tired and under the influence of alcohol, he fell asleep on the banks of a stream where he had a dream about angels and a blue book.
After accompanying the friend who had previously helped him, helping him to restore his physical and spiritual stability, Daniel decided to follow his own path as he realized that his mission would be to found his own line of work. With the support of Mestre Irineu, who offered him a good amount of Daime, he went to a place in the rural area of Rio Branco to begin his work, his mission.
He settled in a small house made of paxiúba wood and rolywood, covered with straw, in an area of 2,500m², donated by Manoel Julião da Silva, in the Santa Cecília rubber plantation – currently the Vila Ivonete neighborhood. In this place he began his spiritual line alone, receiving psalms mediumistically, playing and singing as a way of transmitting the precepts and teachings of Christian Doctrine.
In this space, he began the service work he called “Charitable Works”. Initially it was known as “Capelinha de São Francisco”, as Saint Francis was one of the main mentors of the House. The number of attendees was very small, basically made up of poorer people with health disorders, alcoholism and family problems.
These services were provided to children and adults, mainly hunters in the region and their families. Later, residents of the urban area of Rio Branco started looking for him.
In 1957 Master Daniel began to prepare the brotherhood for a trip that he would take soon, as he had been ill for some time with a throat problem.
After completing a 90-day penance, which became known as the “90-day Pilgrimage” and which would be a kind of preparation for “his journey”, he passed away on September 8, 1958, inside the “casinha do feitio do Daime”, at 6:30 pm, at the beginning of the São Francisco das Chagas pilgrimage. His body was placed inside the church on the concrete table that was still under construction.
His work in life lasted twelve years, but he continues to provide assistance to the brotherhood through his spiritual presence, whether through incorporation into its official aparelho, Madrinha Francisca, or even radiating his presence close to any brother who requests it. your help.
This work can be summarized as helping sick and needy people who seek Casa Franciscana in search of welcome through a word of faith, affection, love and understanding. For his services rendered, in the name of charity and love for others, Daniel received the title of Friar Daniel. (Note the reference to Franciscan Friars, as they have the devotion to Saint Francis of Assisi).
Soon after his death, Antônio Geraldo da Silva took over the direction of the work, on January 20, 1959. By that time, the Capelinha already had many followers and was called Centro Espírita e Culto de Oração Casa de Jesus Fonte de Luz. In 1979 Manuel Hipólito de Araújo started to direct the Center and Antônio Geraldo da Silva founded another Church, named Centro Espírita Daniel Pereira de Mattos.
In 1992, Francisca Campos do Nascimento, the first official medium of Capelinha de Daniel, after 34 years of dedication to the Jesus Fonte de Luz House of Prayer, continued her mission by founding the Centro Espírita Obras de Caridade Príncipe Espadarte, continuing the teachings of Master and friend, seeking to serve all those who turn to her for help.
Currently, Barquinha, the name by which the Doctrine revealed to Daniel Pereira de Mattos became known, has a significant number of centers, in addition to the headquarters in Rio Branco, there are branches in Niterói-RJ, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasília-DF and Fortaleza-CE.
Talking about Frei Daniel is talking about a friend who is always present in sacrifice and difficult times. As a good teacher, he always seeks to help, guide, showing the correct paths with order and discipline to meet our Creator Father.
Always praising God and the Virgin Mother, he is present at our devotion table in beautiful explanations, talking about peace, love, conversion and union between beings and nations.
This is the path of liberation of the spirit that yearns to constantly rise towards Superior Knowledge. Amid so many virtues received, we can only thank our Master Founder, Daniel Pereira de Mattos, for the legacy, for all the graces received in these long and happy years of spiritual commitment sailing on this beautiful vessel.
The Three Lines of Barquinha
It is said that there are three “lines” or denominations of Barquinha.
- Centro Espirita Culto de Oracao Casa de Jesus Fonte de Luz (The original center)
- Centro Espírita Obras de Caridade Príncipe Espadarte (The line of Madrinha Chica, broke off in 1991)
- ???
More details to be added in the future.
Activities of the Bariquina
Barquinha is a House of intense spiritual work and devotion. The activities, or “work”, as they are called by the brothers, are varied and are divided into different forms and purposes. Below is a brief description of the main activities:
Pilgrimages (Romarias)
Five pilgrimages are held throughout the year:
- São Sebastião, from January 1st to 20th;
- São José, from March 1st to 19th;
- Nossa Senhora, from the 1st to the 31st of May;
- Nossa Senhora da Glória, from the 1st to the 15th of August
- São Francisco, from September 1st to October 4th.
Pilgrimages are periods of intense prayers and penances for the benefit of the innocent, of incarnated and disembodied souls and of all humanity; in praise of God, Our Lady and the Saints. Understand more here about this important follow-up to Barquinha’s work.
Many who seek to get closer to Barquinha come across terms that, although common for participants, cause some strangeness for those who arrive.
The pilgrimages, as they constitute fundamental moments in the spiritual calendar of Barquinha, deserve special attention in this sense. Historically, we can place these practices in popular Catholicism in the Northeast, where pilgrims make long pilgrimages to sacred sites (usually churches dedicated to Saints for whom they have special devotion).
These pilgrimages last days, sometimes weeks, and have a sacred and sacrificial character in which the pilgrims seek to purify themselves of their imperfections and offer their sacrifices to God and the Saints to whom they dedicate their devotions. Arrival at the destination is usually accompanied by great festivities.
But how did the custom of pilgrimages come to be included in Barquinha? Well, at first it is important to highlight that Acre was populated largely by northeastern emigrants who, fleeing the drought, sought the Amazonian dream, the “eldorado” of a fertile land, surrounded by greenery and with abundant water.
Although this dream would become a nightmare for many who became rubber tappers in the semi-slave regime of rubber production, those who settled in the region took with them their beliefs and customs, including the pilgrimages.
In Barquinha, a syncretic religion that has an important source of inspiration in popular Catholicism, the pilgrimages gained an even deeper meaning and were integrated into the official calendar of the house. At Madrinha Chica’s Barquinha there are five a year.
Although they no longer consist of long walks to distant locations, their pilgrimage character is preserved as a spiritual journey. During periods of pilgrimages, participants assume different commitments, ranging from abstinence from worldly pleasures to intensifying prayers and spiritual work.
Its end is also marked by great festivities in which devotions are given to the Saints who motivated them. Thus, from a physical journey and sacrificial pilgrimage, the pilgrimages in Barquinha assume their full symbolic character of a spiritual journey where through Daime we seek to carry out Charity, welcoming beings in need, incarnate and disembodied, into the Barquinho Santa Cruz.
Prestamento de Contas
On the 27th of each month, the work called “Prestamento de Contas” is carried out, where material and spiritual accounts of the brotherhood are made, an opportunity in which specific healing psalms are sung, and treatments are also carried out for people who find themselves in need. Then there is the celebration of the day, singing psalms of praise, and the consecration.
On Wednesdays, the Work of Instruction and preparation is carried out, where Instructional psalms are sung, which are intended for the teachings and foundations of the Doctrine and the preparation of the brotherhood for the work of the house.
Charitable Works
Aos Sábados é realizado o trabalho de Obras de Caridade, no atendimento às pessoas da comunidade em geral, realizados pelos Pretos-Velhos e outras entidades da Casa. Esses atendimentos são abertos e gratuitos. Paralelamente aos atendimentos, são cantados hinos de cura na igreja.
The Barquinha Calendar Year and Festas
On certain dates, Barquinha holds “Festivals” (bailado) where songs are sung for the various entities of the house, Caboclos, Pretos-Velhos, Children, Encantado and Orixás. The ‘Festivals’ usually take place at the end of a Pilgrimage, or at some other celebration, such as birthdays and holy days.
The following is a sample calendar year of the barquinha in the line of Madrinha Chica. We are not certain about the calendar year of the other lines.
- 01 – Início Romaria de São Sebastião
- 06 – Comemoração dia de Santos Reis (festa)
- 20 – Entrega e Comemoração dia de São Sebastião – Festa no Parque
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 02 – Comemoração dia de Nossa Senhora das Candeias
- 11 – Comemoração do dia de São Lázaro
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
Holy Week (Semana Santa)
- Quarta-Feira de Cinzas – Início da Quaresma
- Domingo de Ramos (08:00hs)
- Quinta-feira Santa (20:00hs)
- Sexta-feira da Paixão (08:00hs)
- Sábado de Alelúia (Obras de Caridade)
- Domingo de Páscoa (08:00hs) (Às 19 hs – Festa para Crianças)
- 01 a 19 – Inicio da Romaria de São José
- 19 – Comemoração dia de São José
- 27 – Prestação de Contas e Aniversário do João Batista (filho da Madrinha)
- 23 – Comemoração dia de São Jorge
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 01 a 31 – Início da Romaria de Nossa Senhora
- 08 – Comemoração do dia das Mães Reza-se as 1000 Ave-Marias
- 13 – Comemoração dia de Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Dia dos Pretos-Velhos)
- 16 – Ceia e Festa no Parque (Pretos Velhos)
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 31 – Entrega da Romaria de Nossa Senhora (Festa no Parque)
- 07 – Comemoração Aniversário da Madrinha Francisca
- 11 – Comemoração dia de Corpus Christi
- 13 – Comemoração dia de Santo Antonio (festa)
- 24 – Comemoração dia de São João Batista (festa próximo final de semana)
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 29 – Comemoração dia de São Pedro e São Paulo (festa próximo final de semana)
- 03 – Aniversário do Padrinho Francisco (Esposo da Madrinha)
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 28 – Aniversário de Morte do Mestre Conselheiro Antonio Geraldo
- 31 – Comemoração dia de Santa Ana – Nanã (Festa no Parque)
- 01 a 15 – Início da Romaria de Nossa Senhora da Glória
- 13 e 14 – Reza-se as Mil Ave-Marias (Nossa Senhora Rosa Mística)
- 15 – Comemoração dia Nossa Senhora da Glória (Festa no Parque)
- 17 – Aniversário de morte de Frei Manoel (Manoel Hipólito)
- 20 – Aniversário de morte do Andrinho (Neto da Madrinha)
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 30 – Aniversário do Guedes
- 01.09 a 04.10 – Início da Romaria de São Francisco das Chagas
- 08 – Aniversário de morte do Mestre Daniel
- 27 – Prestação de Contas e Comemoração dia de São Cosme e São Damião – Festa
- 04 – Entrega da Romaria de São Francisco – Festa
- 12 – Comemoração dia de Nossa Senhora Aparecida (festa próximo final de semana)
- 12 – Dias das crianças (Festa no Parque no próximo final de semana)
- 23 – Aniversário do Alcimar e Daniel (Filhos da Madrinha)
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 01 – Comemoração dia de Todos os Santos
- 02 – Dia de Finados (Doutrina de Almas)
- 23 – Comemoração dia Dom Simeão – Aniversário do Centro (Festa no Parque)
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 04 – Comemoração do dia de Santa Bárbara (Festa no Parque)
- 06 e 07 – Reza-se as Mil Ave-Marias
- 08 – Comemoração dia de Nossa Senhora da Conceição (festa no Parque)
- 13 – Comemoração dia de Santa Luzia
- 24 – Comemoração de Natal (Ceia e Festa no Parque)
- 25 – Festa para crianças
- 27 – Prestação de Contas
- 31 – Comemoração de final de Ano (Ceia e Festa no Parque)
Note: When the Festa takes place on a weekday, the party generally takes place on the immediately following weekend.
Barquinha Hymns and Music
Daime as the drink of the Barquinha and their Feitio
In Barquinha, they also drink “Daime” as their origin is with Mestre Irineu.
In 1945, Frei Daniel had a revelation, a vision in which the doors of heaven opened and two angels descended with a blue book in their hands containing their mission, that of founding a Christian doctrine based on charity. That’s what he did. He decided to follow his own path, starting the Barquinha line.
The Doctrine of Santo Daime and Barquinha can be considered as sister lines, in which the second inherits from the first the use of the sacrament (daime) and aspects of popular Catholicism and Afro-Brazilian religions.
Barquinha has a good relationship with both Alto Santo and the line of Padrinho Sebastião. They seem to get along with everyone.
The Santa Cecília rubber plantation, uninhabited and provided by the owner, Manuel Julião, was the place chosen by Daniel to build a little chapel, one of those roadside chapels that the people of Acre were already accustomed to. That same year, 1945, the little rustic house made of mud and wooden floors that would later become known as Capelinha de São Francisco was ready.
It was precisely in the Chapel where he received his first instructions, through psalms from mediumistic inspiration, that Daniel, based on his work with the community, founded a new religious doctrine.
Among the people who joined him at that time, it is possible to highlight names such as: Antônio Geraldo da Silva, Manuel Hipólito de Araújo, Francisca Campos do Nascimento, as well as Francisco Gabriel (husband of Madrinha Chica).
With the passage to Daniel’s spiritual plane in 1958, the Capelinha de São Francisco became the Spiritist Center and Prayer Service Casa de Jesus Fonte de Luz. In 1991, Madrinha Chica continued her journey within the Doctrine of Master Daniel in her own house, founding the Centro Espírita Obras de Caridade Príncipe Espadarte.
The Barquinha Doctrine is structured based on the instructions contained in the Blue Book that was delivered to the Founder by the angels in miração.
The spiritual services held in this space consist of works of Charity, Accountability, Instructions, Rosary (on Sundays), Thousand Hail Marys, Siege of Jericho, Cleansing, Doctrine and Baptism, in addition to Festas in the hall. All work takes place during the five annual pilgrimages, in addition to Lent and other special dates.
Each person receives healing according to their merit, the spirit of Santo Daime presents itself to everyone, we just need to follow the teachings of the Doctrine. It is the harmony and union between beings that transmit the science and wisdom of the kingdoms of God. The faith we have in Christ is testified through the download of Missionaries and Healing Beings, soldiers of the Doctrine who come to consecrate us.
Today we have the lively company of our illustrious representative, one of the main disciples and friend of the Founder, the late Daniel Pereira de Mattos, Senhora Francisca Campos do Nascimento, known as Madrinha Francisca Gabriel, Madrinha Chica or, even, Sister of Charity, who fulfills Its mission is to teach with love the basic principles of the Franciscan doctrine, providing spiritual assistance to those in need who seek their home, baptizing, indoctrinating, guiding their flock that sails in a beautiful boat of light, materially called Centro Espírita Obras de Caridade Príncipe Espadarte.
In the line of Madrinha Chica the feitio work took place in a small house next to the church, but since 2007 it began to be carried out at Chácara do Mutum where a space was built especially for this purpose.
The search for vines is carried out in the forest, but there is already a plantation in full development. As access is difficult in the forest, most of the time, it requires the labor of many men who spend up to one to three days in this role.
The search for the vine is carried out by a specialist and when found, it is carefully removed so as not to cause damage to the host tree or other plants in its surroundings.
The cut is made diagonally at a height of approximately 30cm from the ground aiming at the reproduction and continuity of the species. Once removed, it is cut into bundles and taken to the place where the transport is parked. During the searches, small pieces of the vine are relocated, thus ensuring the continuity of the plant in its native area.
Normally another group is in charge of harvesting the Rainha leaves in one of the planting areas or in another part of the forest.
At the feitio house, all the leaves must be washed and the vine scraped, one by one, to remove the impurities that are attached. Then the vine is beaten with sledgehammers or crushed in a small engine.
The Center maintains leaf and vine planting in 3 different areas near Rio Branco and Porto Acre, which will enable its self-sufficiency in the medium term.
Francisca Campos do Nascimento – Madrinha Chica Gabriel
The Biography of of Madrinha Chica

Francisca Campos do Nascimento (Madrinha Chica Gabriel) was born in the south of Amazonas, in Vila Antimari, known as Vila Floriano Peixoto, on June 7, 1934. Daughter of Manoel Pereira Campos and Raimunda Luiza Campos, she was orphaned by her father and mother at just 3 years old, being created by the godparents, Manoel Ricardo Moreira and Maria das Neves Moreira.
She had a humble childhood, or as she herself likes to say: “I didn’t have a childhood. I hardly played like children today, I dedicated myself more to household chores.”
She didn’t study much. He studied until the third year of primary school, during which time he worked in a family’s home washing and ironing clothes. He received the sacraments of baptism and first communion while still in the rubber plantation. Later, during a short stay in Xapurí (AC), she thought about joining the Colégio das Irmãs, but was prohibited by her godfather.
As a teenager, she didn’t usually have fun. She normally left the house in the company of her Godmother. At the age of 17, she met Francisco Gabriel do Nascimento, a Northeasterner who had migrated to the region years before to work cutting rubber.
Two years later they married, on April 11, 1953, and had ten children, four men (Antonio, Alcimar, Daniel and João Batista) and six women (Antonieta, Águida, Francisca Chagas, Benedita, Aucilene and Aurineide).
In May 1957, after her last birth, her third so far, Francisca Gabriel fell seriously ill. It was a mysterious disease that mainly attacked her skin. Without doctors detecting her illness, with her body covered in tumors and feeling a lot of physical and emotional pain, she no longer left the house due to her appearance, which caused discomfort to other people.
It was then that she decided to follow her husband’s advice by going to the little house of the old man from Maranhão, Daniel Pereira de Mattos, to ask him for help. Arriving there, she began a spiritual treatment that lasted seven years. In the early days with Daniel, Francisca improved significantly and decided to follow him on his mission. It became the first aparelho prepared by the Master in the work he carried out.
On May 20, 1957, with a lot of pain in her body, Francisca Campos was taken by her husband, Chico Gabriel, to the Casa de Daniel Pereira de Mattos in the hope of receiving spiritual help. On the way, very weak, she made a promise saying that if she achieved healing in that house she would remain there until the day God determined.
She was not afraid of death, however, she was afraid that her 3 daughters would have the same fate as her, orphanhood. That was how she met Master Daniel for the first time.
That Sunday morning he welcomed her into his home. Seeking to cheer her up, he asked her not to cry and invited her to enter the little church, placing her on one of the plump wooden stools available there.
He called his brother Joaquim (Frei José Joaquim) and authorized him to carry out a spiritual search to discover the cause of his illnesses. The reason for the illness was an evil (secret evil) that had been done to him when he was on the third day of his stay.
Master Daniel told her that she would be cured, but that it might take some time. Three times he asked if he believed in the existence of São Francisco das Chagas (considered the Patron of the Mission). With a positive response, she stated that her healing would be received through this Franciscan saint. Then he gave him some of the Daime to take as medicine, one spoonful three times a day.
Francisca started taking herbal baths as recommended. She said her prayers and continually participated in the work carried out. She didn’t usually miss church commitments, always counting on the help of her husband who stayed with the children at home.
This first meeting with Daniel was decisive for Madrinha Chica’s journey along the Doutrina da Barquinha. She says that what marked her most in her short relationship with the Master was the Daime received from her hands on August 15 of that year, the day of Our Lady of Glory (and Feast of the Assumption of Mary). He asked the “Queen of the Sea” to grant her contact with spiritual beings, saying that this was her line. The following year, Príncipe Espadarte (Swordfish Prince) appeared before her in a miração, with a procession revealed as enchanted in fish, an entity that presented himself as her front guide.
Master Daniel asked the Queen of the Sea to allow him contact with spiritual beings from the mysteries of the waters, which was granted. From this meeting he brought the message that Madrinha Chica’s spiritual line was the line of the sea.
The following year he presented himself before her, in a miração, the Príncipe Espadarte (Swordfish Prince), a being enchanted in a swordfish. This entity has the peculiarity of traversing the three mysteries, therefore changing its name and shape. While at sea he is Prince Espadarte, on land he is Dom Simião and Warrior Soldier Prince of Peace on the Astral plane. He is the one who is at the forefront of this spiritual work.
According to her, in addition to being a Master and friend, she always considered Daniel “a true father”.
On March 19, 1958, Saint Joseph’s Day, she joined Espadarte for the first time, called by the Master to provide care to a lady who arrived at the church almost dead. From then on, Daniel authorized Madrinha Chica, incorporated with the entity, to begin the spiritual passes, becoming the first aparelho (medium) to work in Charitable Works. For a long time, she was the only one working in the Construction Hall, welcoming everyone who arrived looking for help.
It was with Francisca, or Dona Chiquinha as Daniel called her, that the practice of incorporation became more frequent. At the time, only Master Antonio Geraldo incorporated Bishop Dom Policarpo who prayed for people, in addition to Brother Anelino, Dona Chiquita, Sister Inês and Maria Ferrugem.
On one occasion Daniel told her: “Dona Chiquinha, you are still going to receive many entities”. In fact, even in the Master’s time it already incorporated the Esmeraldina Fairy, King Jacaré Açú, Bishop Dom Nelson, Ninfa Ceci, Encanto da Lua, The Great Knight of the Order of Saint George Strong Warrior, Friar José Joaquim and Dom José Maria.
She says that Daniel made a request to Dom Simeão, Bishop Dom Nelson and Friar José Joaquim, to protect her and not allow inferior spiritual forces to persecute her.
Interestingly, it was she herself, seven years later, who was the device to receive the soul that had caused her harm and left her seriously ill. During the ceremony performed by Antonio Geraldo, the deceased sister obtained indoctrination and the Godmother finally achieved her cure.
The teachings of the Doctrine given to Frei Daniel can be proven in the life story of Madrinha Francisca Campos do Nascimento. Love, faith, humility, union and charity, sublime gifts taught by Master Jesus and which she seeks to put into practice, always praying to the Virgin Mother Our Lady of Peace for all of us, for all humanity.
The meeting of Madrinha Chica with Padrinho Sebastião
This is detailed in the above video, where she herself explains the story.
Madrinha Chica Gabriel went to Colonia Cinco Mil, it was a long road to get there. The works were being held in the house of “Don” Sebastião, and the church building was not yet completed construction. She admired the way he was with everyone, though they did not have a speaking relationship. She received multiple hymns at this time, and she sings them in the video. They speak of following the teachings of Juramidam, Virgem da Conceição, Saint Sebastian, Frei Daniel,
Mestre Irineu and Daniel Pereira knew each other before coming to the Amazon
[…] story about how they worked together in the past [citation needed]Barquinha Documentary on YouTube
[…]Lou Gold and the Barquinha
Lou Gold, who is an American known for his blog and YouTube channel, went to go work with the Barquinha after many years in the Daime. He says the reason he switched over is because he really liked the strong emphasis that Barquinha has on charity which he did not see in the Daime.
The content for this webpage originates from the website “abarquinha.org.br” which went offline and is now only accessible through the internet archive. We have rehosted the content in a a translated English format so that it can be accessible to readers openly on the internet. There are some adjustments to the text we have made, merging different text together. It is not a direct translation 1:1 of the original in the same formatting and structure, but we give you the link to go access and read yourself in Portuguese what content was posted on their website. Here is the intro text from their website:
This is the official page of the Centro Espírita Obras de Caridade Príncipe Espadarte, church on the Barquinha line, presided over by Madrinha Francisca Campos, based in Rio Branco (AC); branches in Niteroi/RJ, Brasília (DF), Fortaleza (CE), Belo Jardim Rio Branco (AC) and centers in the cities of Salvador/BA and São Paulo (SP).
The website aims to share information with those who seek to know the Franciscan doctrine founded by Master Daniel, his history, works, spirituality and teachings; and a little about the spiritual trajectory of one of his main disciples, Madrinha Francisca, or simply Chica Gabriel, as she is popularly known.
One can still access multiple other online barquinha websites such as these blogs: link 1 link 2
ARAÚJO NETO, Francisco Hipólito de. Com Quantos Paus se faz uma Nau. Rio Branco:UFAC.SENA ARAÚJO, Wladimyr – A Barquinha:Uma cosmologia amazônica em construção, Mestre em Antropologia Social – Unicamp, 1995.
ARAÚJO, Wladmyr Sena. Navegando sobre as ondas do Daime: história, cosmologia e ritual da Barquinha. São Paulo: Editora da Unicamp, 1999.
COSTA, Cristiane Albuquerque. Uma Casa de “Preto –Velho” para “marinheiros” cariocas: a religiosidade em adeptos da Barquinha da Madrinha Chica no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. UFCG, 2008.
Centro Espírita Obras de Caridade Príncipe Espadarte
Rio Branco (AC), Rua da Paz, nº 134, Bairro Vila Ivonete.