Daime Liturgy & Ritual

Main Topics

  • The Decree of Mestre Irineu
  • How to set the Table
  • Fardamento
  • Playing Maraca
  • The Delivery of Works
  • Fiscalização and Guardianship
  • Norms and Rituals Guide of CEFLURIS
  • Alto Santo Rulebook

Santo Daime Calendar Year of Festivals

  • Santo Daime Calendar Year

Core Santo Daime Works

These are the fundamental works which appear in all Santo Daime lines and denominations.

  • The Concentration
  • The Dance Work
  • The Cura
  • The Mass
  • The Work of the Crosses

Line-Specific Santo Daime Works

These are the works which only appear in some lines of Daime.

  • The Star Work
  • The Sao Miguel
  • The Mesa Branca
  • The Illumination Work

Santo Daime Feitio

  • The Santo Daime Feitio