Who was the successor of Mestre Irineu?


Mestre did not appoint any successor according to Madrinha Peregrina

Nessa viagem, tive a oportunidade de conversar pessoalmente com a viúva do mestre lrineu, a madrinha Peregrina Gomes Serra, que é uma mulher integra e lúcida e me recebeu com muito carinho, amor e firmeza. A madrinha Peregrina me disse claramente: “O Sebastião queria o trono do mestre. Ele sempre desejou ser o sucessor do mestre Irineu, mas como não conseguiu foi embora e fez todas estas imundícies que estão aí para quem quiser ver. O mestre não deixou sucessor. Ele dizia próximo à sua passagem: Eu não deixarei sucessor. Quando eu me for, quem quiser falar comigo que tome daime e converse comigo no astral”.

A madrinha Peregrina também afirmou: “Aqui no Alto Santo não tem drogas, nunca teve. O mestre nunca pitou esta santa maria, ele tirava as pessoas das drogas e dos vícios, ele não viciava ou drogava ninguém.”

Conta de Alicia Castilla

Account of Paulo Serra

No. No. He only left the president, Mr. Leôncio Gomes da Silva. The day Leôncio was absent, there would be a person left to sign the documents, but who did not consider himself president. He has no successor, he has the person to manage the work, but no successor. If Sebastião said that word to someone (who would be Master Irineu’s successor), he would forgive me for saying that, but if he said that word I consider it a lie.


Mestre hands over the direction of the work Leoncio Gomes and tells him to not make any changes to the format of the work as he described it



He was getting down, getting down… he no longer ate meat. He said that his body no longer accepted these things. And we see him fall down. Around June 30, 1971, I asked him:

– Wouldn’t you like a Concentration to improve your health?

– It is good! So, lets do it. Call the nearest personnel.

But, days before this Concentration, he had already called Leôncio Gomes and handed over the direction of the work:

– Leôncio, you will take charge of the work. You won’t be boss. The boss is me. But stay there to welcome people, to teach the Doctrine and that’s fine. Listen to what I’m saying, don’t do more than I’m giving you. Because if you change something, you won’t resist.

My greatest pleasure is to see this work stay firm, exactly, as the Master wants, not as he wanted, as he wants, because I do not consider that the Master is absent. Everything we do within this work has to be done with him, we have to ask for his permission, because he is the owner, he is the commander and the general head of the mission. Therefore you have to give obedience to him. I don’t allow everyone to do it their own way. It was one of the things he asked for. On June 30, 1971, a few days before his death, there was a rally for his benefit. When he finished, he said this:
– Today I received my chair as president; I arrived there in the astral, there was a lounge, the table was set, and the chair at the head was empty, my mother arrived and told me to take charge of the chair.
– From now on, you are the general leader of this mission, she said. Like it or not, in heaven, on earth and at sea, you are the boss.
Now, this after how many years of work? And he says:
– I’m handing this work over to Leôncio; He is not the boss, he is the representative of this work. Now I’ll say one thing, no one wants to be a boss, get together and go to work.
It was on that day that he learned that when the table was formed to open a work, he had to leave his chair empty, because if he called, he would come to teach.
– But no one wants to be a boss, and don’t invent fashion within this job, he said.

It even specifically mentions the empty chair!

At this point, we can see that Mestre Irineu instructed Leoncio Gomes to carry out the works exactly as he left them. Leoncio Gomes who had a close relationship with Mestre Irineu for many years accepted this.

The vivas including “viva nossa presidente” as an ode to Leoncio, this viva is never given outside of the traditional daime lines.

Who was Leoncio Gomes? 

Leoncio Gomes was …

Leoncio Gomes had a car and a driver’s license, and would drive Mestre around whenever necessary. [source to direct passage in eu venho de longe for this]

References of Leoncio Gomes’ presidency found in the line of Padrinho Sebastiao due to his relationship with Teteu

In the serving hymns by Teteu, the President being referenced is Leoncio Gomes.

Padrinho Sebastiao went his own way in the early 1970s, however the split in Alto Santo between the original center and Teteu’s group happened in 1980-1981. At that time the original group later to be known as “CICLU – Alto Santo” kept its own original path and the other group contained figures known today by people such as Teteu and Luiz Mendes. That group later became CICLUJUR, and then after the departure of the Mendes family to Fortaleza it became the CRF Centro da Rainha da Floresta.

The line with continued as Teteu and Luiz Mendes went on to re-establish a relationship with Padrinho Sebastião’s daime and Céu do Mapia. While many parts of their line remain traditional, many parts incorporate components from Sebastião such as smoking cannabis and orixás.

Teteu is a little black bird. It’s a nickname. Teteu had a close relationship with Leoncio Gomes, and he referenced him many times in his hymns. Particularly – in the hymns that would later become the serving hymns that are used in churches worldwide in the line of Padrinho Sebastiao.

In the line of Padrinho Sebastião those hymns are often sung during the service of Daime, where everyone is singing “Eu tomo daime com meu presidente” … directly in reference to Leoncio Gomes himself!

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