The Flag of the Doctrine (Bandeira da Doutrina)

From left to right (in the direction of the flag), the esteemed contemporaries of Mestre Irineu are profiled: Guilherme Gomes da Silva (introducer of “Vivas!”), Emílio Furtado (Benemérito Conciliar Member), Francisco Granjeiro Filho (Comandante do Feitio), José Lima (Conciliar Novice Member), José F. das Neves (Councillor) and Leôncio Gomes (President and Immediate Master).

NOTE: José Francisco das Neves was Mestre Irineu’s second disciple in order of arrival (1931), after Germano Guilherme (1928). João Pereira was third (1931). Leôncio Gomes and Guilherme Gomes are sons of Antônio Gomes da Silva, who arrived with his family in 1938 (CARIOCA, 2000: 34).


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