Introduction of Cannabis “Santa Maria” into the Line of Padrinho Sebastiao



You can find on youtube videos of “Santa Maria hinarios” where the hymns of Mestre are mixed in together with modern Mapia hymns about cannabis. We want to clarify that Mestre is singing about the mother of Jesus Christ – not the cannabis plant. Many people new to the Daime might not know this history and are presented these “Santa Maria hymns” and may get false impressions about the teachings of Mestre Irineu in this way. If Mestre did use cannabis, why is it that those who worked with him for decades don’t accept that and did not see him ever smoke ever? Additionally, with all the detailed instructions from Mestre that they followed about his ritual – if he really was serious about cannabis and used and promoted it then his followers surely would have accepted it. However, there is a lack of evidence that Mestre ever used or promoted this plant.

This article is here to show where the Cannabis plant first showed up – and how it is also the exact moment that Padrinho Sebastiao is said to have moved into a new line as directed by the man on the horse.Who is this man on the horse? In the works of Douglas Sharon “Shamanism and Sorcery” and he talks about a man on the horse in that book – and how he comes to you once you take the seat at the head of the table.

Nessa viagem, tive a oportunidade de conversar pessoalmente com a viúva do mestre lrineu, a madrinha Peregrina Gomes Serra, que é uma mulher integra e lúcida e me recebeu com muito carinho, amor e firmeza. A madrinha Peregrina me disse claramente: “O Sebastião queria o trono do mestre. Ele sempre desejou ser o sucessor do mestre Irineu, mas como não conseguiu foi embora e fez todas estas imundícies que estão aí para quem quiser ver. O mestre não deixou sucessor. Ele dizia próximo à sua passagem: Eu não deixarei sucessor. Quando eu me for, quem quiser falar comigo que tome daime e converse comigo no astral”.

A madrinha Peregrina também afirmou: “Aqui no Alto Santo não tem drogas, nunca teve. O mestre nunca pitou esta santa maria, ele tirava as pessoas das drogas e dos vícios, ele não viciava ou drogava ninguém.”

conta de Alicia Castilla

Accounts of the Introduction of Cannabis into the line of Padrinho Sebastiao

Account of Edward MacRae


Lúcio Mortimer, one of the young cannabis users, was overcome with an irrepressible need to confess his secret, even having to leave the room ‘to breathe’. According to his own report, the next day he looked for Padrinho Sebastião and told him everything, also showing him a crate where there were Cannabis seedlings planted. But the latter, far from being angry, told him that he had had, some time before, a dream in which a strange horseman, riding a white mount and wearing a black cloak, had announced that he would soon change to another spiritual line. When Padrinho Sebastião asked him ‘What line?’, the answer was that he would find out for himself. Padrinho Sebastião continued walking, arriving at a field that was tended by a dark-skinned man dressed in white, who handed him a branch of a plant, saying ‘this is for healing’. Padrinho Sebastião said that when he received the offer he woke up, but when he saw the plant that Lúcio showed him, he remembered his dream and wanted to grow it to make a comparison (…) As among the hippies there were three Chileans who used to calling the plant marihuana, and probably, according to the customs of Spanish speakers, more simply ‘Maria’, it came to be known as Santa Maria” and, over time, to appear to have a specific role in the Daimist doctrine, since he had it in dissent, and most prominently, in the search for legitimization of its ritual use. “


Edward MacRae, no ensaio “Santo Daime e Santa Maria – usos religiosos de substâncias psicoativas lícitas e ilícitas”, em “O uso ritual das plantas de poder”, conta que, logo quando de sua chegada à Cinco Mil em 1975, “(…) Lúcio Mortimer, um dos jovens usuários de cannabis, foi tomado de uma necessidade irrefreável de confessar o seu segredo, tendo até de sair do salão ‘para respirar’. De acordo com seu próprio relato, no dia seguinte procurou o Padrinho Sebastião e contou-lhe tudo, mostrando-lhe também um caixote onde havia mudas de Cannabis plantadas. Mas este, longe de se zangar, disse-lhe ter tido, algum tempo antes, um sonho no qual um estranho cavaleiro, cavalgando uma montaria branca e usando uma capa preta, anunciara que brevemente ele iria mudar para outra linha espiritual. Quando Padrinho Sebastião perguntou-lhe ‘Que linha?’, a resposta foi que ele descobriria por si mesmo. Padrinho Sebastião continuou a caminhar, chegando a um roçado que era cuidado por um homem moreno vestido de branco, o qual lhe entregou um galho de uma planta, dizendo ‘esta é para curar’. Padrinho Sebastião disse que ao receber a oferta acordou, mas que ao ver a plantinha que Lúcio lhe mostrava, lembrou do sonho e ficara com vontade de cultivá-la para fazer a comparação (…) Como entre os hippies havia três chilenos que costumavam chamar a planta de marihuana, e provavelmente, segundo os costumes dos falantes de espanhol, mais simplesmente de ‘Maria’, esta passou a ser conhecida por Santa Maria” e, com o correr do tempo, a parecer ter papel específico na doutrina daimista, já que o tinha na dissidência, e com destaque, à busca de legitimação do seu uso ritual.”

Account of Lucio Mortimer from Benca Padrinho (page 127)


“Some time ago, I had a dream that is very much alive in my memory. I was walking along some roads when I saw a man on horseback approaching in the distance. You could see the dust raised by the animal’s hooves. Before passing me he stopped and I was able to appreciate the white horse up close and the elegance of the rider who announced to me: “You are going to enter another line  Ask °Which line? He replied: “You will learn at your expense”. He said and ran away. I continued walking and soon arrived at a small field, where a species of plant that I didn’t know was grown. I hadn’t seen it either in the forests or in capoeira. In their midst a dark-skinned man appeared, dressed all in white, who must have been the caretaker of the garden, as it was a beautiful place and very well cared for. When the said person saw me, he broke a branch of the plant and handed it to me saying it was for healing. When I received the offer I woke up. Now seeing these little plants, I remembered the dream. I’m in the mood for cultivars to make a comparison.” I was very happy with the outcome of the story. The cable . Moraes spent the night in Colônia and Dom Sebastião accepted the invitation to smoke, to soon discover the mystery of this herb. He liked it a lot.


“Há algum tempo atrás, tíve um sonho que está bem vivo na minha memória. Eu ia por umas estradas quando avístei ao longe um homem a cavalo se aproxímando. Dava de ver a poeira levantada pelos cascos do animal. Antes de passar por mím ele parou e pude apreciar de perto o cavalo branco e a elegância do cavaleiro que me anuncíou: “Você vaí entrar em outra linhaí Pergunteiz °Que línha? Ele respondeu: “Você vaí aprender às suas custas’. Foi dizendo e saíndo disparado. Continueí caminhando e logo cheguei num roçadinho, onde era cultívada uma espécie de planta que eu não conhecia. Não tinha visto nem nas matas nem na capoeira. No meío delas apareceu um homem moreno, todo vestído de branco, que devía ser o zelador do jardim, pois era um lugar bonito e muíto bem cuidada. Quando a referida pessoa me viu, quebrou um galho da planta e me entregou dizendo que era para curar. Quando recebi a oferta eu acordeí. Agora vendo estas plantinhas, lembrei do sonho. Estou com vontade de cultivas para fazer a comparação”. Fiquei muito feliz com 0 desfecho da hístória. O Cabo . Moraes pernoitou na Colônia e Dorn Sebastião aceitou o convite de pitar, para logo conhecer o mistério desta erva. Ele gostou muito.

Account from the internet (source unknown)

On another occasion, during a Daime session, shortly after Padrinho Sebastião’s formal declaration of independence, one of the marijuana using newcomers felt an irresistible need to confide his secret to Padrinho Sebastião. According to his own account, feeling unable to remain in the room, he decided to go out for fresh air. Outside the church he met Padrinho Sebastião and promptly told him all about it. Far from being angry , the old man told him he had recently had a dream in which a strange warrior on horseback and wearing a black cape had told him he was about to move to another spiritual line. When he asked what line this was, he was told he would find out for himself. A little later he had had another vision of a garden being tended by an angel who showed him a plant he did not know and said : “This is for healing”.

Padrinho Sebastião then asked his young follower for a little marijuana to study. For some time he kept the use of the plant restricted to himself, his wife, the youths who had presented him with the plant and one or two close followers. After a while, he came to the conclusion that while ayahuasca worked with the spiritual energy of Christ, cannabis had the energy of the Virgin and he then renamed the plant Santa Maria. He explained that he had been instructed to “take the herb from the mouth of the devil and return it to its proper mistress, the Virgin Mary”. Thus began a series of instructions that he imparted to his followers on the proper sacred use of cannabis, distinct from the profane manner it was being smoked by those who simply wanted a “buzz”.

Accounts from the followers of Mestre Irineu

Account of Adalia Granjeiro (daughter of Antonio Gomes)

Adália Granjeiro sourced from interview with Gideon March 2007:

Sebastião Mota once invited my husband (Fransico Granjeiro) to go and work with them, but he didn’t want to because of this business, drugs, so the friendship ended. Because my husband wasn’t fooled by talk. (…) I heard that Sebastião Mota said that Master Irineu had shown him marijuana, that he saw in the spiritual that he arrived with the leaves, with the branches, and showed it to him, to use it, cure everyone with that.

This account is very interesting because the black man who gives the plant in the above 3 accounts is now suddenly assumed or prayed as to be Mestre. The black man in the vision now suddenly is Mestre. Read the original accounts above to see what she is responding to.

Account of Paulo Serra (adoptive son of Mestre Irineu)

This claim is from Gideon’s book as well. We cannot verify the contents or have any other accounts of this conversation between Sebastiao or Alfredo. Anyone with further details can contact us to elaborate.Source to full original interview will be provided and uploaded shortly.

Paulo Serra: Eu não sei desses detalhes, mas pessoas me disseram que
ele usava, mas depois parou quando entrou no daime. Mas quando ele se
meteu com o Ceará aí o Ceará botava bebida e depois botou a santa
maria no meio (maconha) e depois o pessoal ficava viciado. E hoje eu
estive depois disso no Centro de Mapiá e a dona Rita (viúva do
Sebastião) disse que o Sebastião pediu ao Alfredo (filho do Sebastião)
que não usasse mais isso, que continuasse só com o daime, mas ele
estava viciado de uma tal maneira que não teve mais jeito de acabar com
aquilo. Mas quando conheci o Alfredo ele era um menino bom, fora
dessa história é uma pessoa que você conversa com ele e é uma boa
pessoa, mas o erro é ele ter adotado essa história, da maconha. Foi o
Sebastião que deixou isso, mas ele não queria mais, pediu para o Alfredo
continuar a doutrina sem aquilo, nas palavras da dona Rita

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