This article is interesting because it depicts a 1970s version of the line of Padrinho Sebastiao, which looks a lot more similar to the format left by Mestre Irineu than what is practiced today. You can see a rectangular table with rows. It is interesting to note the article calls him “Mestre Sebastiao” rather than “Padrinho”, and presents him once again as the successor of Mestre Irineu in the church of Santo Daime. The article refers to ayahuasca as “mausca”. The men’s maracas look larger than modern day, and “Mestre Sebastiao” is seated at the head of the table – the empty seat left by Mestre has already been removed.
Scans of the article from “Revista Manchete”
SOUZA, Juvenil. A seita secreta do cipó. Revista Manchete, 1970-80, p. 43