Category Archives: Eu Venho De Longe (English)

A Maranhão Vision

In the late 1980s, I attended, at PUC-SP, a roundtable on legislation and the use of ayahuasca, with the participation of several experts, including Professors Drs. Edward MacRae, Edgard de Assis Carvalho, Elisaldo A Carlini (from the Brazilian Center for Information on Psychoactive Drugs), the jurist Dalmo Dalari and others, who debated several interesting aspects […]


Mestre Irineu: A man of many dimensions. Worker. Black man. Northeasterner. Migrant. Caboclo. River-dweller. Rubber tapper. Man without land. Saint. Shaman. Leader. Medium. Spiritualist. Shaman. Healer. Poet. Composer. Teacher. Mestre Irineu was all of these things. A legendary man from the Northeast of Brazil to the Amazon, from popular festivals to the most sacred corner […]