Category Archives: Daime Biographies

Padrinho Sebastião (Sebastião Mota de Melo)

Disciple of Mestre Irineu, he received from him the gift of expanding the Santo Daime worship to the whole country and beyond its borders… Sebastião Mota de Melo, been born in the rubber plantation Monte Lígia, in 1920, demonstrated propensity to make astral journeys (out of body experiences) and to have visions of enchanted beings […]

Raimundo Gomes

Biography from AFamiliaJuramidam Raimundo Gomes Da Silva, son of one of the main disciples of Mestre Irineu, already had ten hymns in his hinário when the fraternity moved to the “Alto da Santa Cruz”, today the Alto Santo, in the Irineu Serra’s district, in Rio Branco, Acre’s Capital. Sebastião Jaccoud, who venerated him as having […]

Madrinha Peregrina (Peregrina Gomes Serra)

Biography from AFamiliaJuramidam I have in hands the certificate copy of her civil marriage that she herself offered to me, once I wanted to photograph Mestre Irineu documents, saying that perhaps one day I could need it. There it says that in Rio Branco, Acre, on September the 15th of 1956 — having as witnesses […]