Timothy plowman in 1976 Richard Evans schultes Plowman vine selected Plowman 6040 and 6041 Brought to both Hawaii and Florida. Show the pics of it in Florida in the 70s If you drank daime in North America, chances are you drank from this vine Eagle and the condo Merger of the streams of intellectual ethnobotany […]
Category Archives: Santo Daime History
The following article documents the works held in Rio de Janeiro in the 1980s with Marco Gracie and Paulo Roberto.
Introduction Nagual, shapeshifting into animals. similar to carlos castaneda book. no known accounts of Mestre teaching transformation into animals to them The Account of Marco Gracie Imperial The following is a rough translation of the original story into English: The first exercise that Padrinho Sebastião taught to me was the “Exercise of the Eagle”. He […]
Here is the original account in Portuguese by Marco Gracie: Padrinho Sebastião, me pediu castidade quando eu tinha 20 anos, eu disse a ele que não ia conseguir fazer, pois eu ainda pensava demais em sexo, eu gostava demais de sexo, e isto na verdade era um tormento para mim. Pois eu vivia namorando sem […]
“Nova Jerusalém” is the title given by Padrinho Sebastião to the book of hymns that, after more than four years without receiving hymns, being concluded the hinário “O Justiceiro”, was open in the Céu do Mapiá in 1983. The first hymn, “O Convite”, was received after a work, together with his sister-in-law Madrinha Júlia. It […]
Here is the original account written in Portuguese according to Marco Gracie Imperial: Ai uma foto bem explicativa de quem é o Pad Wilson Carneiro e quem é Padrinho Sebastião. Ao seu lado esquerdo, um rapaz que estava muito perturbado, vivia na rua, era um andarilho e sem dinheiro algum. Sendo considerado surtado demais. Do […]